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مؤسسة منهاج

هي الذراع التشغيلي لمؤسسة مناهج العالمية وهي مؤسسة متخصصة في النشر الرقمي والتعليم الإلكتروني وأنظمة الإدارة المدرسية وبرمجة النظم التعليمية وتطبيقات الذكاء الصناعي في معالجة نصوص اللغة العربية

Minhaj: is the operating arm of ICO, specialized in digital publishing and producing eLearning systems, school management systems, educational applications and Artificial Intelligence in processing Arabic characters.

 مؤسسة متخصصة في إنتاج المناهج والاستشارات وتدريب المعلمين في مجالين هما اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها ومجال التربية الإسلامية لطلبة الروضة والتمهيدي والمراحل الابتدائية والمتوسطة والثانوية

ICO “International Curricula Organization”: is a leading organization specialized in producing curricula for two fields: Arabic as a second language and Islamic education for kindergartens and K-12 schools.

A Brief Glance at some of ICO Activities around the World

ICO has conducted various educational activities and events in more than 132 countries around the world. Here are some examples:


Head of Religion Teaching Directorate Mr. Nazif Yilmaz, Ministry of Education in Turkey
A class in a Turkish school where ICO Arabic curriculum is being implemented
Evaluation of the competency of Arabic teachers conducted by ICO for the Ministry of Education in Turkey

United Kingdom

UK Minister of Education Rushanara Ali
Head of Education in Catholic Churches in UK Mr. Paul Barbert Here
Workshop at Queen Elizabeth II Centre for Arabic teachers in British schools, London


President of Tanzania and Minister of Education
A class in a Tanzanian school where ICO Arabic curriculum is being implemented
Training session for teachers of Arabic in Tanzania

Success Partners

Direct Aid - Kuwait

Ministry of Education - Saudi Arabia

Association of Muslim Schools - UK

Ministry of Education - Turkey


NAMA Foundation - Malaysia

Islamic Development Bank